THIRD SEASON 2019-2020
Watch Party!​
Friday, May 29 at 7:30 PM
on our facebook page
Although we are sad not to be singing together, Inspire is putting together an exciting virtual cabaret to which you are all invited! On the day that we would have performed in person, please join our facebook watch party in celebration of what Inspire means to all of our singers.
The concert will feature living room contributions, curated archival footage, and an exciting virtual choir première!
For those of you who don't have facebook, we will be releasing the performance on YouTube at 7:30PM tonight as well.
Preview Trailers

In lieu of tickets, we ask that you consider donating to our Artist Relief Fund.
Can't You Hear Us?!
In solidarity with everyone working to combat the spread of COVID-19, Inspire has decided to postpone our concert, “Can’t You Hear Us?!” that was scheduled to take place on May 29th until next season.
This project is an ambitious one – featuring a large-scale commissioning project confronting the climate crisis. The voices of three local youth poets have been paired with three composers to create three world premières. Although the performance of these works has been postponed, we would like to pay our artists as originally scheduled and have some bills to pay. Since those funds were budgeted to come in no small part from ticket sales, we are seeking to raise $5000 through crowdfunding in order to meet these needs.
Please consider donating the price of a ticket - just $10-$40 in order to help us pay our commissioned artists as planned.
Sing for Joy and Liberation​
Friday, November 15 at 7:30 PM
W83 Ministry Center
150 West 83rd St, New York, NY
General Admission: $10-$40
Ticket sales support Inspire and Sadie Nash Leadership Project
This concert celebrates the strength and power of young women to become agents for change in their lives and in the world. Join us as we sing for Joy, Justice, Love, and Liberation.
In partnership with and in support of Sadie Nash Leadership Project.
Don't Shoot, Just Listen
Friday, September 20 at 7:00 PM
James Memorial Chapel,
Union Theological Seminary
3041 Broadway, New York, NY
Saturday, September 21 at 7:00 PM
St Paul's Episcopal Church
294 Main St S, Woodbury, CT
General Admission: $10-$40
Ticket sales support Inspire and
Sandy Hook Promise.